


  1. la-v-taivm|fer

Liittyvät sanat: fermaatti, ferri-, ferriitti, ferriittiantenni, ferrioksidi, ferriyhdiste.


englanti puhekieltä (eye dialect of)

1997, (w), (w), iv:

‘Got summat fer yeh here – I mighta sat on it at some point, but it’ll taste all right.’

to make
to make, to produce

Fer vinagre.

To make vinegar.

Aquesta terra fa molt bon blat.

This land produces very good wheat.

Quatre i quatre fan vuit.

Four and four make eight.

Fer dun enemic un aliat.''

To turn an enemy into an ally.

to make up

Els jubilats fan un quart de la població.

Retired people make up a quarter of the population.

to do, to cause to be done
to make do
to give

El primer marit li va fer dos fills.

Her first husband gave her two sons.

Feu-me mig quilo de formatge.

Give me half a kilo of cheese.

to lay

La canària ha fet un ou.

The canary has laid an egg.

to cause
to go
puhekieltä to be

Fa fred!

It is cold!

to play
to measure
(form of)
shoe (for horse); steel tip
puhekieltä iron
iron (appliance)
puhekieltä irons, fetters
(inflection of)
(jbo-rafsi of)


To make
To do
(RQ:Chaucer Canterbury), line 493
Wide was his parish, and houses fer asonder.
iron (metal)
puhekieltä (iron) sword
(nn-verb-form of)
to do
iron (gloss)
puhekieltä sword (made of iron)
cruel; harsh
fierce; ferocious
(quote-book)|translation=Four feet has the beast, and it is of a very ferocious nature


fer rimmaa näiden kanssa:

loafer, schäfer

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