


  1. syöjä

  2. ruokintalaite

  3. lisäjoki, sivujoki

  4. tuttipullo

  5. syötin, syöttölaite

  6. syöttöjohto

  7. syöttölinja, syöttöliikenne



  1. kotieläin, lihotuseläin, lintulauta, syöttöpaikka, laite, kone, itsetoimiva syötin, syötin, haara, lisäjoki, sivujoki.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




itsetoimiva syötin, syötin


lisäjoki One who, or that which, feeds.
2007, Thomas E. Lightburn, The Shield and the Shark (page 173)

When the claxon sounded they immediately stopped what they were doing and uncovered the Oerlikon. Paddy, who was ammunition feeder, stood by while Jock trained the 20mm gun around.
That which is used to feed.

a bird feeder

A tributary stream, especially of a canal.
1827, (w), Universal Geography, or A Description of All the Parts of the World, on a New Plan, Edinburgh: Adam Black, volume 6, book 101, (gbooks):
The surface of the Balaton and the surrounding marshes is not less than 24 German square miles, or 384 English square miles; its principal feeder is the Szala, but all the water it receives appears inconsiderable relatively to its superficial extent, and the quantity lost in evaporation.
A branch line of a railway
A transmission line that feeds the electricity for an electricity substation, or for a transmitter.
puhekieltä The pitcher.
puhekieltä A player who is killed by the opposing player or team more than once through lack of skills and experience, thus helping the opposing side.

Stop feeding! You feeder.

The participant in feederism who feeds the other (the feedee).
2010, Niall Richardson, Transgressive Bodies
Often similes such as 'soft as velvet' or 'fluffy like a cloud' will be employed and the feeder will describe how he feels he can be lost in the enveloping folds of soft flesh.


feeder rimmaa näiden kanssa:

cheerleader, outsider

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