


  1. turhantarkka, nirso



  1. turhantarkka, valikoiva, nirso, ronkeli, säntillinen, pikkumainen, hienostunut, siisti.

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turhantarkka Excessively particular, demanding, or fussy about details, especially about tidiness and cleanliness.
2008, Robert Fisher, Memory Road,

His fastidious nature had been evident in his careful snipping of a customer's hair and now he guided his pencil with the same adroitness.
2004, Maria Osborne Perr, Ravished Wings,
As she cleaned the room daily, she knew it was against his fastidious nature to bring or have food in his room.
2003, Lynsay Sands, Single White Vampire:
He had at first tried to clean up as they ate, his fastidious nature kicking in, but Chris had told him to just stop, he was blocking the TV.
Overly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness.
2010, Debra Lee Baldwin, Succulent Container Gardens: Design Eye-Catching Displays with 350 Easy-Care ...
"If you are fastidious, clean previously used pots inside and out; if not, merely clean the outside (unless you are battling a pest infestation; then the inside will need scrubbing as well)."
difficult Difficult to please; quick to find fault.
1897, w:Kate Chopin|Kate Chopin, s:The Lilies|The Lilies,
"It's burnt, M'sieur," said Marie Louise, politely, but decidedly, to the utter confusion of Mr. Billy, who was as mortified as could be at the failure of his dinner to please his fastidious little visitor.
1881, w:James Henry|Henry James, s:The Portrait of a Lady|The Portrait of a Lady,
You're too fastidious, and too indolent, and too rich.


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