

  1. taakka, kuorma, velvollisuus, vastuu, nyytti, arkaismi.

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nyytti A fourth part: a quarter of anything.
(c.) W. Sutherland in R. Wodrow's The history of the sufferings of the Church of Scotland, from the Restauration to the Revolution, volume I, Appendix: page 101:

I... bought a Farthel of Bread and a Mutckin of Ale.
puhekieltä An English unit of land area variously understood as the fourth part of an oxgang or of a yardland.
(ante) W. Noye, The Complete Lawyer, 57:
You must note, that two Fardells of Land make a nook Nooke of Land, and two Nookes make halfe a Yard of Land.
1706, Phillipss New World of Words'':
Fardel of Land, the fourth part of a yardland Yard-land.
puhekieltä a bundle or burden
(circa) w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act 3, Scene 1, 1843, J. Payne Collier (editor), The Works of William Shakespeare, page 261,
Who would fardels bear
to grunt and sweat under a weary life(..)
1855 1606, w:Sir Henry Middleton|Henry Middleton, ‎Bolton Corney (editor), The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to Bantam and the Maluco Islands, page 13 (of Appendix),
It doth also appear by the abbreviate of the accounts sent home out of the Indies, that there remained in the hands of the agent, master Starlcey, 482 fardels of calicos, viz.: 8 canisters of pintados, and 117 fardels of checkered stuffs, 51 fardels of of long malow girdles,(..).
puhekieltä To make up in fardels.



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askel, harha-askel, taka-askel, laukka-askel, puoliaskel, tanssiaskel, vauhtiaskel, ristiaskel, sävelaskel, puolisävelaskel

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