


  1. en-v-taivm|f|ace|d



  1. -pintainen, janus-kasvoinen, kaksikasvoinen, kuukasvoinen, pyöreäkasvoinen, lättänaamainen, surukasvoinen, -kasvoinen, -näköinen.

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-pintainen (en-past of)
puhekieltä Having a face of a specified type.
c. 1605, (w), (w), Act V, Scene 3, http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/views/plays/play_view.php?WorkID=macbeth&Scope=entire&pleasewait=1&msg=pl

The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon! / Where got'st thou that goose look?
c. 1694, w:William Bradshaw (writer)|William Bradshaw and Robert Midgley, (w), Volume 7, London: 1754, Letter VI, p. 148, https://books.google.ca/books?id=unlKAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcoverv=onepage&q&f=false
He either heaves out fulsome hypochondriac Sighs, with supercilious Looks, and Chaps set like the Furrows of a sour-faced Hagi; or else he is tickled into a loud ungovernable Laughter, and all his Carriage is ridiculous and wanton.
1855, (w), (w), New York: Modern Library, 1921, p. 272, https://archive.org/details/leavesofgrass00whit
O tan-faced prairie-boy, / Before you came to camp came many a welcome gift,
1918, (w), "Suicide in the Trenches" in Counter-Attack and Other Poems, London: Heinemann, p. 81, https://archive.org/details/counterattackoth00sassuoft
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye / Who cheer when soldier lads march by, / Sneak home and pray you'll never know / The hell where youth and laughter go.
1949, (w), (w), Part One, Chapter 1, http://www.gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100021h.html
Even the streets leading up to its outer barriers were roamed by gorilla-faced guards in black uniforms, armed with jointed truncheons.
puhekieltä drunk

"The First Time I Got Faced" — http://www.lebofsky.com/write/alt.html


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tweed, lied, LED

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