
Tarkoititko: ex-

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englanti (qualifier) visible Visible or apparent to the eye; evident; obvious.
1892, Creedmore Fleenor, Thought throbs:
Ofttimes we look upon an eyely prize, And conjure means by which we may obtain That morsel for ourself; ...
1903, Oxford Journals (Firm), Notes and queries:
... and I quoted a few places where the first part of my accusation is capable of "eyely and euident demonstration,' to use a phrase of Leicarraga's time.
(qualifier) obviously Obviously; evidently; apparently.
1871, Tom Hood, Frances Freeling Broderip, The works of Thomas Hood:
He was eyely delited at the site you may be sure but Becky being timersome shut her eyes all the time she was seeing it.
Eyely probable. — The Speaker told the hon. member for Eye that "every time he opened his mouth he appeared to be trifling with the House."


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