


  1. juuria, kitkeä, nyhtää, poistaa, raastaa (juuria myöten)

  2. lääketiede poistaa (kirurgisesti)


englanti puhekieltä An extirpator.


to uproot, extirpate (pull a plant and its roots out of the ground)
puhekieltä to remove, take out (e.g. an organ)
puhekieltä to weed out, get rid of, eradicate (e.g. a problem or characteristic)
to pull out, take out, whip out (remove something from e.g. a holder, pocket, holster etc.)
to drag out, hoist out, lug out (remove someone, with difficulty, from a place)
puhekieltä to pull oneself out (of somewhere)

Il sextirpe du bar pour fumer une clope.''

He drags himself out of the bar to smoke a ciggy.

puhekieltä to fish out, make someone cough up (obtain e.g. information from someone)
(inflection of)


extirper rimmaa näiden kanssa:

per, vesper

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