

  1. laajennus, jatke; jatko

  2. ala, laajuus

  3. koko, tilavuus

Esimerkkejä extension sanan käytöstä:

Una extensión del país donde se concentra el 80% de la población.



  1. opetus, koulutus, opettaminen, didaktiikka, avoin yliopisto, lisääminen, lisä, lisälaite, lisärakennus, laajennus, siipi, siipirakennus, anneksi.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



avoin yliopisto




levittäminen The act of extending or the state of being extended; a stretching out; enlargement in breadth or continuation of length; increase; augmentation; expansion.

For station is properly no rest, but one kind of motion, relating unto that which physicians (from Galen) do name extensive or tonical; that is, an extension of the muscles and organs of motion, maintaining the body at length, or in its proper figure.
That property of a body by which it occupies a portion of space (or time, e.g. "spatiotemporal extension")
puhekieltä Capacity of a concept or general term to include a greater or smaller number of objects; — correlative of intension.
In addition to concepts and conceptual senses, Frege holds that there are extensions of concepts. Frege calls an extension of a concept a ‘course of values’. A course of values is determined by the value that the concept has for each of its arguments. Thus, the course of values for the concept __ is a dog records that its value for the argument Zermela is the True and for Socrates is the False, and so on. If two concepts have the same values for every argument, then their courses of values are the same. Thus, courses of values are extensional.
puhekieltä A written engagement on the part of a creditor, allowing a debtor further time to pay a debt.
puhekieltä The operation of stretching a broken bone so as to bring the fragments into the same straight line.
puhekieltä An exercise in which an arm or leg is straightened against resistance.
puhekieltä A simple offensive action, consisting of extending the weapon arm forward.
puhekieltä A numerical code used to specify a specific telephone in a telecommunication network.
puhekieltä A file extension.

Files with the .txt extension usually contain text.

puhekieltä An optional software component that adds functionality to an application.

a browser extension

puhekieltä The set of tuples of values that, used as arguments, satisfy the predicate.
puhekieltä A kind of derivative morpheme applied to verbs in Bantu languages.
Noun extension


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jam session

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