


  1. räjähtää

  2. kuva lisääntyä voimakkaasti

  3. räjäyttää

  4. k=en|vanhahtava kumota (teoria)

  5. tietotekniikka|k=en hajottaa merkkijono osiin poistamalla erottimet

Esimerkkejä explode sanan käytöstä:

World population will explode by 2025. – Maapallon väestö lisääntyy voimakkaasti vuoteen 2025 mennessä.

Liittyvät sanat: explosion , explosive



  1. muunnella, kääntyä, muuttua, räjähtää, pamahtaa, purkautua, puhjeta, räjäyttää, laukaista, välähtää, räjäyttää dynamiitilla.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä





kumota puhekieltä To destroy with an explosion.

The assassin exploded the car by means of a car bomb.

puhekieltä To destroy violently or abruptly.

They sought to explode the myth.

puhekieltä To create an exploded view of.

Explode the assembly drawing so that all the fasteners are visible.

puhekieltä To disprove or debunk.
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), II, 344
Astrology is required by many famous physicians (..) doubted of, and exploded by others.
1749, Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Whenever the person who is possessed of natural goodness doth what is right, no ravished or friendly spectator is so eager or so loud in his applause: on the contrary, when he doth wrong, no critic is so apt to hiss and explode him.
1783, wikipedia:Richard Wooddeson|Richard Wooddeson, Lectures on the Law of England, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/nyp.33433008602827?urlappend=%3Bseq=225 229
Another instance of the like nature is, that the old opinion, that Turks and infidels are perpetually to be considered as alien enemies, has been long exploded.
puhekieltä To blast, to blow up, to burst, to detonate, to go off.

The bomb explodes.

puhekieltä To make a violent or emotional outburst.

She exploded when I criticised her hat.

1902, Albert R. Carman, “My Bridal Trip” (short story), in The Canadian Magazine, Volume 20, Number 1 (November 1902), http://books.google.com/books?id=2wLOAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA15&dq=exploded page 15:
“Nonsense!” Jack exploded at me. “Why Miss Bertram here knocked that theory into a cocked hat coming over on the train.”
puhekieltä To break (a delimited string of text) into several smaller strings by removing the separators.
2004, Hugh E. Williams, David Lane, Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL
The third check uses the exploded data stored in the array $parts and the function checkdate() to test if the date is a valid calendar date.
puhekieltä To decompress (data) that was previously imploded.
1992, "Steve Tibbett", PKZIP Implode compression/decompression. (on newsgroup comp.compression)
I'm looking for some code that will implode data using the PKZIP method.. and explode it. PKWare sells an object that you can link with that does the job, and we have licensed this, but we are now writing 32 bit code for MS-DOS and the PKWare stuff won't work (..)
(inflection of)


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