

  1. syyttömäksi todistaminen, syytteistä vapauttaminen, oikeutus, arvonpalautus, vapauttaminen epäilyksistä, olosuhteet, tila, vapautus.

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syytteistä vapauttaminen

vapautus An act of disburdening, discharging, or freeing morally from a charge or imputation.
(quote-book) In Five Volumes|location=London|publisher=Printed for the author, and published by Carpenter and Son, w:Bond Street|Old Bond-Street; et al.|year=1815|volume=V|page=8|pageurl=|oclc=367986180|passage=Alpaca. (Camelus Pacos,) also Paco. (..) This animal, like the camel, is domable, and will carry from seven to nine stone; it will fall on its knees for the convenient reception and exoneration of its burthen.
{{quote-journal|date=May 14, 2007|author=Patrick Mcgeehan|title=New York Plan for DNA Data in Most Crimes|work=New York Times|url=
puhekieltä The state of being disburdened or freed from a charge.


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