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  1. eksistentialismi, eksistentiaalinen filosofia, eksistentialistinen filosofia, filosofinen oppi, filosofinen teoria.

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eksistentialismi puhekieltä A twentieth-century philosophical movement emphasizing the uniqueness of each human existence in freely making its self-defining choices.

The heyday of existentialism occurred in the mid-twentieth century.

puhekieltä The philosophical views of a particular thinker associated with the existentialist movement.

Sartres existentialism is atheistic, but the existentialism of Marcel is distinctly Christian.''

1965, Mikel Dufrenne, "Existentialism and Existentialisms," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol 26 no 1 (Sep), p. 51.
Instead of Existentialism, we should speak of Existentialisms.
puhekieltä English existentialism

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