


  1. efemeridi



  1. vuosikirja, efemeridi, tähtitieteellinen taulukko.

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efemeridi, tähtitieteellinen taulukko puhekieltä A journal or diary.
1638, (w), Some Yeares Travels, I:

Wee heard the King was solacing at the Caspian Sea, whither now wee are travelling. Till then let us keepe an Ephemerides or day-journey.
puhekieltä A table giving the apparent position of celestial bodies throughout the year; normally given as right ascension and declination
Software that calculates the apparent position of celestial bodies.
a day-book, (l), (l)
a (l), (l)
1866 February 12th, (w), “(lang) in favour of ‘La Civiltà Cattolica’” in The Dublin Review, New Series, volume VII (July–October, 1866), № xiii, http://books.google.com/books?id=l9gsAQAAIAAJ&dq=%22ephemeridem%22&pg=PA230v=onepage&q=%22ephemeridem%22&f=false page 230:
Qui Religiosi Viri, Nostris desideriis omni observantia et studio quam libentissime obsecudantes, iam inde ab anno 1850 Ephemeridem, cui titulus La Civiltà Cattolica, conscribendam, typisque vulgandam susceperunt.
: Which aforesaid religious, most willingly seconding our wishes with all observance and zeal, undertook from that very time (the year 1850) the writing and publishing a journal called “La Civiltà Cattolica.” ― translation from http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=dbUCAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA230&dq=%22Which+aforesaid+religious,+most+willingly+seconding+our+wishes+with+all+observance+and+zeal,+undertook+from+that+very+time+%28the+year+1850%29+the+writing+and+publishing+a+journal+called+%27La+Civilta+Cattolica.%27%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jghUU7rrNInb7Abm_IDgDw&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAAv=onepage&q=%22Which%20aforesaid%20religious%2C%20most%20willingly%20seconding%20our%20wishes%20with%20all%20observance%20and%20zeal%2C%20undertook%20from%20that%20very%20time%20%28the%20year%201850%29%20the%20writing%20and%20publishing%20a%20journal%20called%20%27La%20Civilta%20Cattolica.%27%22&f=false the same source


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Läheisiä sanoja

entää, enää, EP-levy, epeli, epideeminen, epidemia

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