
suomi-englanti sanakirja

wall englannista suomeksi

  1. muuri

  2. muurata

  3. kerros

  4. seinä

  5. vallitus

  6. seinämä

  7. lohkeavuuspinta

  1. muuri, valli

  2. muuri

  3. seinä

  4. ruostepapurikko

  5. näköeste

  6. seinämä, seinä

  7. valehuutaja

  8. muurata, ympäröidä muurilla">ympäröidä muurilla, muurittaa

  9. Verbi

  10. Substantiivi

wall englanniksi

  1. A rampart of earth, stones etc. built up for defensive purposes.

  2. A structure built for defense surrounding a city, castle etc.

  3. (ux)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. Each of the substantial structures acting either as the exterior of or divisions within a structure.

  6. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp) St. Bede's at this period of its history was perhaps the poorest and most miserable parish in the East End of London. Close-packed, crushed by the buttressed height of the railway viaduct, rendered airless by huge walls of factories, it at once banished lively interest from a stranger's mind and left only a dull oppression of the spirit.

  7. (RQ:Allingham China Governess)

  8. A point of desperation.

  9. A point of defeat or extinction.

  10. {{quote-journal|en|year=March 11 2022|url=https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/mar/11/chelsea-in-crisis-but-there-is-no-will-to-leave-club-on-their-knees-roman-abramovich|author=David Hytner|title=Chelsea are in crisis but there is no will to leave club on their knees|journal=The Guardian

  11. An impediment to free movement.

  12. The butterfly (taxlink).

  13. (syn)

  14. A barrier.

  15. Something with the apparent solidity, opacity, or dimensions of a building wall.

  16. A means of defence or security.

  17. One of the vertical sides of a container.

  18. (quote-book)

  19. A dividing or containing structure in an organ or cavity.

  20. (RQ:Schuster Hepaticae)

  21. A fictional bidder used to increase the price at an auction.

  22. (synonyms)

  23. A doctor who tries to admit as few patients as possible.

  24. (antonyms)

  25. A line of defenders set up between an opposing free-kick taker and the goal.

  26. Two or more blockers skating together so as to impede the opposing team.

  27. {{quote-text|en|year=2013|author=Ellen Parnavelas|title=The Roller Derby Athlete|page=48

  28. Any of the surfaces of rock enclosing the lode.

  29. A personal board listing messages of interest to a particular user.

  30. A character that has high defenses, thereby reducing the amount of damage taken from the opponent’s attacks.

  31. The stage of biological aging where physical appearance and attractiveness start to deteriorate rapidly.

  32. {{quote-newsgroup|en

  33. The right or privilege of taking the side of the road near the wall when encountering another pedestrian; (n-g).

  34. (quote-text) Now it is fixed that every man keeps to the right; or, if one is taking the wall, another yields it; and it is never a dispute.'

  35. {{quote-text|en|year=1822|title=The Pamphleteer|page=118

  36. {{quote-text|en|year=2017|author=Catharina Löffler|title=Walking in the City|page=135

  37. A very steep slope.

  38. To enclose with, or as if with, a wall or walls.

  39. To use a wallhack.

  40. To boil.

  41. To well, as water; spring.

  42. A spring of water.

  43. A kind of knot often used at the end of a rope; a knot or wale.

  44. To make a wall knot on the end of (a rope).

  45. (pronunciation spelling of)

  46. {{quote-text|en|year=1858|title=The New Priest in Conception Bay|author=Traill Spence Lowell|Robert Lowell|url=http://ebooks.library.cornell.edu/cgi/t/text/pageviewer-idx?c=nwng;cc=nwng;rgn=full%20text;idno=nwng0017-2;didno=nwng0017-2;view=image;seq=581;node=nwng0017-2%3A43;page=root;size=50

  47. {{quote-book|en|year=1988|author=Herbert M. Sutherland|title=Tall Tales of the Devil's Apron|publisher=The Overmountain Press|isbn=9780932807274|page=97

  48. (verb form of)

  49. (verb form of)

  50. (alt form)

  51. A 2|well. (rfclarify)