
suomi-englanti sanakirja

volta englanniksi

  1. Volta

  1. A turning; a time (qualifier).

  2. A dance for couples popular during the late Renaissance, associated with the galliard and done to the same kind of music.

  3. (syn)

  4. A turning point or point of change in a poem, most commonly a sonnet.

  5. turn, spin

  6. vault (gloss)

  7. lap (gloss)

  8. time (gloss)

  9. tour (q)

  10. (ca-verb form of)

  11. lavolta (gloss)

  12. turnaround

  13. overturn

  14. turn, bend

  15. (uxi)

  16. return

  17. somersault

  18. change (gloss)

  19. backside

  20. detour

  21. walk, stroll

  22. {{quote-text|gl|year=1842|author=Juan Manuel Pintos|title=Meu querido pai

  23. of events

  24. disturbance, riot, revolt

  25. {{quote-text|gl|year=1370|editor=R. Lorenzo|title=Crónica troiana|page=561|publisher=Fundación Barrié|location=A Coruña

  26. (gl-verb form of)

  27. being, character, condition, rank, nature, or quality of someone or something

  28. 1915, Franz Kafka, ''Metamorphosis|The Metamorphosis'' (Hungarian translation: Miklós Györffy; English translation: Ian Johnston)

  29. Húga persze igyekezett leplezni az egésznek a kínos voltát, és ahogy telt az idő, ez egyre jobban sikerült is neki (…)
    : The sister admittedly sought to cover up the awkwardness of everything as much as possible, and, as time went by, she naturally got more successful at it. (literally, “…cover up the whole thing being awkward…” or “the awkward nature of the whole thing…”)
    Samsa úr, bizalmatlanságában, amelynek alaptalan volta nyilvánvalóvá vált, a két nővel együtt kilépett az előtérre (…)
    : In what turned out to be an entirely groundless mistrust, Mr. Samsa stepped with the two women out onto the landing (…) (literally, “Mr. Samsa in his mistrust, whose being groundless became evident,…”)
  30. volt

  31. time, instance, occasion

  32. turn

  33. (senseid) vault

  34. (hypo)


  35. vault

  36. (adj form of)

  37. (feminine singular of)

  38. (inflection of)

  39. hitch

  40. (topics) volt

  41. somersault, volte

  42. (alt sp)

  43. return (gloss)

  44. (ant)


  45. bend (q)

  46. turnaround (gloss)

  47. a loop of a coil or spiral staircase

  48. loop (gloss)

  49. volte-face (gloss)

  50. stroll; walk

  51. (pt-verb form of)

  52. to flip, to somersault (rotate, usually in an accident)

  53. a prison sentence or pre-trial detention

  54. A single act of wrapping a rope aroun a bollard.

  55. The act of zigzagging to dodge a headwind.

  56. Continually walking back and forth, especially for prisoners in a prison yard.