vas rectum

suomi-englanti sanakirja

vas rectum englanniksi

  1. One of a number of straight ''(l)'' (tubes), (non-gloss definition)

  2. A straight (l) tubule conveying (l) from its pertaining ''(l)'' (convoluted seminiferous tubule) to the ''(l)'' of the (l) that contains it; (non-gloss definition) the (m) (straight seminiferous tubule). (defdate)

  3. 1750, von Haller|Albert Haller, “Of the paſſages of the ''ſemen''” in ''Transactions of the Royal Society|The Philoſophical Tranſactions (1743–1750) Abridged'' X (1756), ed. Martyn (botanist)|John Martyn, page 1,092

  4. A yellowiſh ''ſemen'' is generated in the ''vaſcula ſerpentina'', is ſent down into the ''vasa recta'', and thence depoſited in the ''rete'' under the ''albuginea''.
  5. {{quote-journal|en|year=1843|author=Thomas Blizard Curling|title=A Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Testis|journal=The Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal|section=LX:ii, page 216

  6. (seemoreCites)

  7. ” Any one of many straight (l) in the (l) that branch off from the ''(l)'' (efferent arterioles) of (l) (l), enter the (l), and surround the (l), where they function to absorb (l) and to (l) salt and (l) into the renal (l), thereby facilitating the production of concentrated (l). (defdate)

  8. 1858, Smith Beale|Lionel Smith Beale, ''Illustrations of the Constituents of Urine, Urinary Deposits, and Calculi'', Fig. 1. ''g.'', page 3

  9. Long and almost straight vessels (''vasa recta''), into which the efferent vessel of those tufts situated at the bases of the pyramids, divides.
  10. {{quote-text|en|year=2000|author=Christopher J. Lote|title=Principles of Renal Physiology|section=fourth edition, § 6.4, page 78

  11. Any one of numerous straight (l) that branch off from the (l) of the (l) of the (l) and (l) whence they head toward the (l). (defdate)

  12. {{quote-journal|en|year=1990|author=Jay H. Stein|journal=Internal Medicine|section=third edition, page 395