
suomi-englanti sanakirja

uppslag englanniksi

  1. an opening of a book or newspaper, consisting of two pages called verso (to the left) and recto (to the right)

  2. ''På nästa uppslag befinner vi oss plötsligt i ett bordellrött 70-tal med plastpoppiga detaljer.''

    On the next page we're suddenly taken to the brothel red 1970s with plastic pop fitments.

  3. entry (in a dictionary or encyclopedia)

  4. idea, plan

  5. ''Nästan varje möte har gett nya uppslag och infallsvinklar''

    Almost every meeting has provided new ideas and approaches

  6. ''auktion i uppslag'' = the normal way of performing an auction by successively higher purchase bids (the opposite of ''avslag'')