
suomi-englanti sanakirja

unpick englannista suomeksi

  1. purkaa

  1. Verbi

unpick englanniksi

  1. To undo sewing stitches.

  2. (syn)

  3. To undo knitting in order to reuse the wool.

  4. To unravel or untangle the threads of a rope etc.

  5. To unfold; to solve.

  6. (quote-web)

  7. (quote-journal)|url=https://www.womenshealthmag.com/uk/fitness/strength-training/g44072624/celebs-who-lift-weights/|passage=We're going to hazard a guess that 'apple cider vinegar benefits' has been something you've typed into Google a time or two, trying to unpick exactly why your best wellness mate has said you just ''have'' to try it.

  8. To disassemble, to undo.

  9. (quote-journal)

  10. To apart, to criticize harshly.

  11. {{quote-journal|en|author=Jake Hall|title=Investigating the insidious rise of the gay incel|titleurl=https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/47978/1/an-investigation-into-the-gay-incel-reddit|journal=Dazed|date=19 February 2020