
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tweet englannista suomeksi

  1. piipittää

  2. pusertaa

  3. piipitys

  1. Substantiivi

  2. piipitys

  3. twiitti, tviitti, twiittaus

  4. Verbi

  5. piipittää

  6. twiitata, tviitata

  7. piip

tweet englanniksi

  1. The sound of a bird; any short high-pitched sound or whistle.

  2. {{quote-book|en|date=April 7 1934|author=George Herriman|title=Krazy Kat|page=104|publisher=Saturday, comic strip|isbn=978-1-63140-408-5

  3. An entry posted on the microblogging service Twitter. (defdate)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=2008|author=Wendy Chisholm; Matthew May|title=Universal Design for Web Applications

  6. (quote-book)

  7. An entry on any microblogging service.

  8. (quote-av)

  9. To make a short high-pitched sound, like that of certain birds.

  10. To post an update to Twitter. (defdate)

  11. (quote-web)

  12. To post an update to any microblogging site.

  13. (senseid)(non-gloss definition): (l).

  14. (quote-song)

  15. (l)

  16. (syn)

  17. tweet (Twitter)

  18. {{quote-book|da|year=2014|author=Caspar Eric|title=7 / 11|publisher=Gyldendal A/S|isbn=9788702160789

  19. {{quote-book|da|year=2015|author=Anna Erelle|title=Forklædt som jihad-brud|publisher=Art People|isbn=9788771594959

  20. (infl of)

  21. tweet (gloss)

  22. a (l) (gloss)

  23. (l) (gl)

  24. (l) (gloss)

  25. (l) (gloss)