
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tiptoe englannista suomeksi

  1. hiipiä varpaisillaan, hiipiä

  2. varpaankärki

  3. hiipivä

  4. varpaisillaan

  1. Substantiivi

  2. varpaankärjet (monikko)

  3. Verbi

  4. hiipiä varpaisillaan">hiipiä varpaisillaan, sipsuttaa, tepsuttaa

tiptoe englanniksi

  1. The tip of the toe.

  2. Standing elevated, on or as if on the tips of one's toes.

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet)

  4. (RQ:Tolkien Return of the King)

  5. Moving carefully, quietly, warily or stealthily, on or as if on the tips of one's toes.

  6. {{quote-text|en|year=1782|author=William Cowper|title=Expostulation

  7. {{quote-text|en|year=1819|author=Lord Byron|title=The Prophecy of Dante

  8. To walk quietly with only the tips of the toes touching the ground. (defdate)

  9. (RQ:Twain Huckleberry Finn) went tip-toeing along a path amongst the trees back towards the end of the widow's garden, stooping down so as the branches wouldn't scrape our heads.

  10. (RQ:Lincoln Pratt's Patients)

  11. (quote-song)