
suomi-englanti sanakirja

taut englannista suomeksi

  1. tiukka

  2. kireä

  1. jännitetty, kireä, tiukka

  2. Verbi

  3. Substantiivi

taut englanniksi

  1. Under tension, like a stretched bowstring, rope, or sail; tight.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (RQ:Stevenson Treasure Island)

  4. (quote-book)|year=1912|volume=I|page=350|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/southpoleaccount01/page/350/mode/1up|oclc=557852685|passage=Every piece of binding is first carefully examined and tested; then it is put on, cautiously and accurately. Every turn is hauled taut, taking care that it is in its right place. ... A sledge journey of the kind we had before us is a serious undertaking, and the work has to be done seriously.

  5. (quote-book)|chapter=My Conversion|title=Prisons & Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences|location=London|publisher=(publisher)|William Heinemann|year=1914|page=19|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/prisonsprisoners00lyttiala/page/19/mode/1up|oclc=1067081057|passage=After some moments of interchanging messages with the leaders on the platform, during which the suspense in the hall was tremendously taut, the police left saying that the women arrested would have to report themselves at Bow Street the following morning.

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. (quote-book)

  8. (quote-book)|year2=2015|section2=Act I|page2=25|pageurl2=https://books.google.com/books?id=op24BgAAQBAJ&pg=PA25|isbn2=978-1-4725-0959-8|passage=Lisa Jones – a woman in her thirties – sits cross-legged onstage, absent-mindedly tuning the high E-string on an acoustic guitar. She tunes the string up and up until it reaches the correct note – and then continues on past it. ... Higher and higher the note, the string growing ever more taut, the fretboard beginning to tremble under the strain, the tension rising – but she still winds the tuning peg, up and up and up and up until … … the string snaps!

  9. Not flabby; firm, toned; having a lean, strong body.

  10. (quote-book)'s ''(Michelangelo)|David'' is everything his ''(Michelangelo)|Bacchus'' was not: firmly in control of himself while the god of wine was teetering on the brink of dissolution; his senses heightened while Bacchus's are dulled. Where one is taut, the other is flaccid. David's toned, athletic body contrasts with Bacchus's effeminate form, illustrating the dichotomy in Michelangelo's mind between the active masculine force and the passive feminine.

  11. Containing only relevant parts; brief and controlled.

  12. (quote-journal)(nb...)|date=19 March 1921|volume=XLIX|issue=1263|page=321|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=1KgcaTMV8IoC&pg=PA349|column=2|oclc=472261612|passage=If he curbs his swing a little and gets something crisper and tauter in his methods he may yet be very good.

  13. (quote-journal) has made from (w)'s taut best-selling novel ''Silence of the Lambs (novel)|The Silence of the Lambs'' slams you like a sudden blast of bone-chilling, pulse-pounding terror.

  14. (quote-book)'' (written by Alan Schroeder, 1996) review|editor=Linda R. Andres|title=Children’s Literature Review|location=Detroit, Mich.|publisher=(publisher)|Gale Research|year=1997|volume=43|page=174|column=2|isbn=978-0-8103-9986-0|newversion=quoted in|2ndauthor=Sernett|Milton C. Sernett|chapter2=‘Minty’|title2=Harriet Tubman: Myth, Memory and History|location2=Durham, N.C.|publisher2=Duke University Press|year2=2007|page2=35|pageurl2=https://books.google.com/books?id=iqmSvk19TnsC&pg=PA35|isbn2=978-0-8223-4073-7|passage=Quick action and dialogue create a taut story, although it is illustration that shapes the characters.

  15. (quote-web)''|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20191103082043/https://music.avclub.com/afi-sounds-refreshed-and-rejuvenated-on-its-10th-album-1798190096|archivedate=3 November 2019|work=The A.V. Club|date=20 January 2017|passage=Guitarist (w) and vocalist (w) have distilled (band)|AFI's strengths (a ferocious, post-hardcore rhythmic backbone; goth-tinctured, post-punky guitars; and Havok's desperate, dramatic croon) into 14 taut, hook-driven songs.

  16. Experiencing anxiety or stress.

  17. Neat and well-disciplined; efficient and order.

  18. (quote-book) ''et al.''|title=Ambrosianae|Noctes Ambrosianæ(nb...)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Redfield(nb...)|month=September|year=1832|year_published=1854|volume=V|issue=LXII|page=76|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=OnU1AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA76|oclc=4533369|passage=Our friend was a hearty toper in the days of his Whiggery, but no sooner turned one of the tautest of Tories, than he took to the tea-pot. It seems a thing against nature.

  19. (quote-journal)|year=1863|page=109|pageurl=https://books.google.comg/books?id=VzUGAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA109|oclc=517518744|passage=The astonished boy looked round him, and wondered if this could really be the trim, taut ship he had read of. The deck was so encumbered with foul-smelling casks, coils of rope, and masses of rubbish, that there was no room to move; and Jack felt at a loss where to fly to be out of the way of the busy, swearing crew.

  20. (quote-book)|year=1878|volume=III|page=271|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=qeABAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA271|oclc=56001958|passage=You've secured the neatest, trimmest, tautest little craft that ever man could wish to be commander of.

  21. (quote-book): Concerto for Orchestra; ''Music for Strings, Percussion, and Celesta'', and ''Hungarian Sketches'': Chicago Symphony Orchestra, (w), Conducting(nb...)|title=Classical Music: A Critic’s Guide to the 100 Most Important Recordings|series=New York Times|The New York Times Essential Library|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Times Books; Henry Holt and Company|year=2004|page=259|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=JaILV887Be8C&pg=PA259|isbn=978-0-8050-7070-5|passage=(w) took up the reins of the Cleveland Orchestra in 1946, and made it one of the world's tautest, most disciplined ensembles, ideal in the classical and early romantic repertory.

  22. Strong; uncompromising.

  23. To make taut; to tauten, to tighten.

  24. (RQ:Fitzgerald Flappers)

  25. Nambas

  26. ''V'ənen taut'' = The Big Nambas Language

  27. (infl of)

  28. (verb form of)

  29. (inflection of)

  30. muttering, mumbling

  31. (syn)

  32. (nb-fcon) (infl of)

  33. chisel