
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tam englannista suomeksi

  1. tam

  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

tam englanniksi

  1. MFA

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. (syn of)'', a type of cap''.

  3. {{quote-journal|en|date=July 1, 1988|author=Bryan Miller|title=A Gathering of Scots|work=Chicago Reader|url=https://securesite.chireader.com/cgi-bin/Archive/abridged2.bat?path=1988/880701/SCOTS

  4. (syn of), ''a unit of weight, particularly in Cantonese contexts''.

  5. done; finished; complete

  6. (uxi)

  7. completely, really

  8. taste

  9. (syn)

  10. water

  11. teeming, full

  12. there (gloss)

  13. (ant)

  14. tame

  15. tame, not wild

  16. boring, unexciting, bland

  17. as (in comparison), so (followed by an adj.)

  18. eight

  19. there

  20. (cot)

  21. honey

  22. to make something level

  23. so, much, to such an extent, to such a degree

  24. (ux)

  25. Such that "tam x, quam y" = "so x, as y"

  26. (Q)

  27. to that; (infl of)

  28. (inflection of)

  29. for that purpose

  30. that, order to by (m) + a subordinate clause, often in the subjunctive

  31. (alternative form of): (inflection of)

  32. there (gl)

  33. (RQ:zlw-mas:Małi Princ)

  34. (alt form)

  35. (alt form)

  36. precisely, exactly

  37. house, building, structure

  38. (l), (l)

  39. there, thither (gl)

  40. (ng)

  41. (ng) some

  42. (coi)

  43. (ng)

  44. (obsolete spelling of)

  45. to drip

  46. there

  47. thither

  48. there, in that place

  49. tame (not wild), domesticated

  50. wall

  51. complete, absolute

  52. full, entire

  53. (cln) three

  54. younger sibling

  55. {{RQ:Nguyen Trai Quoc am thi tap|chapter=述興 Thuật hứng 19