
suomi-englanti sanakirja

supernumerary englannista suomeksi

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  1. Substantiivi

  2. ylimääräinen

supernumerary englanniksi

  1. A person who works in a group, association, or office without forming part of the regular staff (the numerary). (defdate)

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-book), for Office of Public Sector Information|Her Majesty's Stationery Office|year=1844|section=§ I (Royal Marines when Embarked), paragraph 1|page=182|pageurl=|oclc=797586019|passage=The Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Bombardiers, Fifers, Gunners, Private Men, and Boys of the Royal Marines belonging to Her Majesty's Ships or Vessels, whether entered on the Ship's Books as part of the complement, or borne as supernumeraries, except when borne for a passage for service on shore, shall be considered entitled to the same advantages as the rest of the Ship's Company.

  4. (quote-book) (interviewee)|chapter=Minutes of Evidence Taken before the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Constitution and Management, &c., of the British Museum|title=Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Constitution and Government of the British Museum; with Minutes of Evidence: Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty|location=London|publisher=Printed by Clowes Ltd.|William Clowes and Sons, (w), for Office of Public Sector Information|Her Majesty's Stationery Office|date=12 July 1847|year_published=1850|page=26|pageurl=|oclc=4623153|passage=What are the supernumeraries? upon whose report are they employed?— (..) If it is temporary employment, or for a temporary situation only, as occasion may require, such as the supernumeraries’ situations, for instance, these are looked upon as temporary appointments, although, from the great increase in our business, they have been in some respects permanent.

  5. (quote-journal), publishers, (successors to (w)),(nb...)|month=September|year=1856|volume_plain=part III|page=169|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=1017142186|passage=(smallcaps).—To be Assistant Surgeons to the Forces. – Assistant Surgeons Angus John Mackay, Supernumerary in the 1st Foot; Albert Hawkins, Supernumerary in the 4th Foot; (..)

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. An extra or walk-on, often non-speaking, in a film or play; a carrier.

  8. (synonyms)

  9. (quote-book)|year2=2010|page2=1|pageurl2=|isbn2=978-90-8964-200-4|passage=A minor actor or supernumerary often has a better opportunity to watch great actors than the great actors themselves.

  10. (quote-book)

  11. Something which is beyond the prescribed or standard amount or number.

  12. (quote-book)|year=1850|section=chapter I (How Mr. Bartram Let Two of His Houses, and What Sort of Tenants He Had)|page=12|pageurl=|oclc=17791855|passage=On each side the glass hung one of the large engravings; another over the secretary, facing the window, and the fourth, which for some time seemed a supernumerary, over the door.

  13. (quote-book)|year=2013|page=55|pageurl=|column=2|isbn=978-0-323-08546-5|passage=Ideally, the surgery is timed so that removal of the supernumerary tooth does not interfere with permanent tooth development. The earlier the supernumerary can be removed, however, the more likely it is that the permanent teeth will erupt normally. Surgery to remove a supernumerary is often complicated, especially if there are multiple supernumerary teeth or if access to the supernumerary tooth is limited. These patients are appropriately referred to a specialist.

  14. An animal which has not formed a bond and is therefore single.

  15. A married man or woman who is a secular member of Dei, a Roman Catholic religious institution.

  16. Greater in number than.

  17. Beyond the prescribed or standard amount or number; excess, extra.

  18. (quote-journal)|date=23 February 1792|volume=LXXXII|page=171|pageurl=|doi=10.1098/rstl.1792.0011|oclc=630046584|passage=I believe a hive, or swarm, has but one queen, at least I have never found more than one in a swarm, or in an old hive in the winter; and probably this is what constitutes a hive; for when there are two queens, it is likely that a division may begin to take place. Supernumerary queens are mentioned by (smallcaps), who asserts he has seen them killed by the labourers, as well as the males.

  19. (quote-book)|edition=new enlarged|location=London|publisher=George Bohn|Henry George Bohn,(nb...)|year=1851|page=136|pageurl=|oclc=697938483|passage=The same agreeable and mild flavour can be imparted, as far as human experience has yet gone, by rennet, of which the basis is the coagulated milk in the stomachs of calves and lambs. The number of stomachs prepared must of course depend upon the number of cheeses to be made in a season, but prudence suggests the expedience of always having a supernumerary number.

  20. (quote-journal)|date=23 April 1853|volume=VI (New Series; volume XXVII, Old Series)|page=427|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=219837962|passage=It is strange that, long as the College of Physicians and its regulations have been before the medical world, so little should be known as to the history and qualifications of the class called Extra-Licentiates. (..) Many imagine that these physicians are supernumerary, over and above a certain number assigned to the Licentiates.

  21. Of an organ or structure: additional to what is normally present.

  22. (quote-book)|year=1865|volume=II|page=38|pageurl=|oclc=81091081|passage=It the term ''disk'' means a supernumerary organ, different from the stamens or petals, and originating at the base of one or other of them. Nothing can well be more variable in its nature than this disk; in the Mignonette it is, as you see, a one-sided, hairy lobe; (..)

  23. (RQ:Huxley Ape and Essence)

  24. (RQ:Gibson Peripheral)

  25. Beyond what is necessary; redundant.

  26. (quote-journal)|month=January–June|year=1853|volume=V|issue=49|page=329|pageurl=|oclc=819025283|passage=''Resolved'', that the Curators be authorized to exchange with other societies or individuals, such duplicate or supernumerary specimens of coins, medals, minerals and other articles as they may deem unnecessary to be retained in the Cabinet of the Society, for such other specimens, of equal value, as they may consider desirable to be added to the Society's present collection; (..)