
suomi-englanti sanakirja

subaltern englannista suomeksi

  1. alempi, ali-

  2. luutnantti, vänrikki

  1. nuorempi

  2. alisteinen

  3. Substantiivi

  4. nuorempi upseeri

  5. johtopäätös

  6. siirtomaa-alamainen

subaltern englanniksi

  1. Of a lower rank or position; inferior or secondary; especially ranking as a junior officer, below the rank of captain.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-web) she Dati was removed and offered no consolation prize other than the subaltern position of No 2 on the UMP's list for the next European elections.

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. Asserting only a part of what is asserted in a related proposition.

  6. A subordinate.

  7. A commissioned officer having a rank below that of captain; a lieutenant or lieutenant.

  8. (RQ:Wilde Dorian Gray)

  9. (quote-web)

  10. A subaltern proposition; a proposition implied by a universal proposition.

  11. A member of a group that is socially, politically and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure of the colony and of the colonial homeland.

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=2012|author=Aparajita De; Amrita Ghosh; Ujjwal Jana|title=Subaltern Vision: A Study in Postcolonial Indian English Text|page=109

  13. (l) (gloss)

  14. (l), subordinate

  15. (syn)

  16. underling, subordinate