
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sparse englannista suomeksi

  1. harva

  1. harva

  2. Verbi

sparse englanniksi

  1. Having widely spaced intervals.

  2. (ux)

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. Not dense; meager; scanty

  5. Having few nonzero elements

  6. To disperse, to scatter.

  7. (synonyms)

  8. (quote-book) Berthelet|Thomae Bertheleti(nb...)|year=1536|section=signature F. i.|oclc=216192236|passage=They began properly to ſparſe pretye rumours in the North, that no man ſhulde eate whyte breade, no man eate pygge, gooſe, or capon, without he agreed before with the kynge.

  9. (inflection of)

  10. (feminine plural of)

  11. (verb form of)