
suomi-englanti sanakirja

spam englannista suomeksi

  1. roskapostittaa, lähettää roskapostia, spämmätä

  2. roskaposti

  1. Substantiivi

  2. roskaposti, spämmi

  3. nötkötti

  4. Verbi

  5. roskapostittaa, spämmätä

spam englanniksi

  1. Spam

  1. Unsolicited bulk electronic messages.

  2. (ux)



  3. {{quote-journal|en|title=No hiding place

  4. Any undesired electronic content automatically generated for commercial purposes.

  5. Long title, Spam Control Act (Cap. 311A, R. Ed. 2008)

  6. An Act to provide for the control of spam, which is unsolicited commercial communications sent in bulk by electronic mail or by text or multi-media messaging to mobile telephone numbers, and to provide for matters connected therewith.
  7. Excessive, often unwanted and repeated online messages.

  8. (ellipsis of)

  9. (senseid) A type of tinned meat made mainly from ham.

  10. To send spam (i.e. unsolicited electronic messages.)

  11. To send spam (i.e. unsolicited electronic messages) to a person or entity.

  12. To send messages repeatedly, often with disruptive effect; to flood.

  13. To do something rapidly and repeatedly.

  14. Spam.

  15. (inflection of)

  16. spam (gloss)

  17. (infl of)

  18. (l) (gloss)

  19. spam

  20. spam

  21. (l)

  22. spam (gl)

  23. spam (unwanted messages)

  24. (l) (unsolicited electronic messages)