
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sniff englannista suomeksi

  1. nuuhkaisu, haistelu, nuuhkaus

  2. nuuhkaista, haistella, nuuhkia

  3. niiskuttaa

  1. Verbi

  2. nuuhkaista once; nuuhkia, nuuskia repetitively

  3. niiskauttaa once; niiskuttaa repeatedly

  4. haistaa, aavistaa

  5. nyrpistellä, nyrpistää nenäänsä">nyrpistää nenäänsä

  6. nuuskia

  7. nuuskata, vetää nenään, vetää viiva, sniffata

  8. Substantiivi

  9. nuuhkaus

sniff englanniksi

  1. To make a short, audible inhalation, through the nose, as when smelling something.

  2. (ux)

  3. To say (something) while sniffing, such as in case of illness or unhappiness, or in contempt.

  4. To perceive vaguely.

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1952|author=Isabelle Hughes|title=Lorena Telforth|page=223

  6. To pry; to investigate in an interfering manner.

  7. {{quote-text|en|year=1882|author=Henry Herman; Henry Arthur Jones|title=The Silver King

  8. To be dismissive or contemptuous of something; used with ''at''.

  9. To intercept and analyse packets of data being transmitted over a network.

  10. (co)

  11. To inhale drugs (usually cocaine) through the nose, usually in powder form.

  12. (quote-av)

  13. An instance of sniffing.

  14. A quantity of something that is inhaled through the nose.

  15. A brief perception, or tiny amount.

  16. (quote-journal)

  17. Cocaine.

  18. (quote-book)

  19. (n-g)

  20. (quote-text)|page=28

  21. (l)