
suomi-englanti sanakirja

smocking englannista suomeksi

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  1. Substantiivi

  2. Verbi

smocking englanniksi

  1. An embroidery technique in which the fabric is gathered and then embroidered with decorative stitches to hold the gathers in place; the product of the use of this embroidery technique.

  2. (quote-book); London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.|year=1872|page=19|pageurl=|oclc=1034548212|passage=Mr. Hudson (..) preaches in his surplice. We see no reason why all clergymen should not do likewise. This donning and undonning, this white dressing and black smocking which one sees in so many churches, is a piece of stale nonsense; (..)

  3. (quote-journal)|year=1887|page=39|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=5349321|passage=Smocking forms an effective trimming for ladies' dresses, either as a waistcoat or yoke, and looks well for the crown of a small toque with a velvet brim. The great difficulty in smocking is to gather the material regularly, or the embroidery will look crooked.

  4. (quote-book)|edition=2nd revised and enlarged|location=New York, N.Y.; London|publisher=Publishing Company|The Butterick Publishing Company|year=1916|page=29|pageurl=|oclc=2883294|passage=Smocking is not in the least difficult once the method has been thoroughly grasped. For some reason it is much more popular in England than in the United States. (..) Smocking done in colors on fine white batiste, silk mull, or nainsook makes pretty guimpes and dresses for children and very smart blouses for women.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. (quote-book) originally adorned the clothing of men who toiled in the fields, tended flocks of sheep, cut wood or led wagons or carts.

  7. (infl of)