
suomi-englanti sanakirja

smitten englannista suomeksi

  1. lamaantunut, järkyttynyt, huumaantunut

  2. pihkassa, hulluna oleva, hulluna

  1. hullaantunut

  2. rakastunut, hullaantunut, pihkassa

  3. Verbi

  4. Substantiivi

smitten englanniksi

  1. Affected by an act of smiting.

  2. (quote-book), for, and at the expense of the author|year=1850|page=30|pageurl=|oclc=156061314|passage=A smited man is a man struck; a smitten man is a man affected by the act of smiting: (..)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (quote-book)|year=1997|page=250|isbn=978-0-684-83331-6|passage=The Bible shows the way of God with man and the way of man with God. It contains both the complaint of God against the wicked and the shriek of the smitten man, demanding justice of God.

  5. Made irrationally enthusiastic.

  6. (quote-journal)&93;|year=1980|page=26|oclc=19547989|passage=One of the side benefits of such has been making the acquaintances of similarly smitten enthusiasts, and inevitably they are keen to share both plants and experiences.

  7. (quote-journal) addict, that 100,000-strong armada of hopelessly smitten enthusiasts who insist that nothing in life quite measures up to the unrestrained joy of breezing along on a twin-hulled Hobie.

  8. love|In love.

  9. 1912, Thomas Holmes, “Marriage in the Underworld”, in ''London's Underworld'' (The Making of the Modern Law), London: M. Dent|J. M. Dent & Sons; New York, N.Y.: (w), (w) 60735063; republished as London; New York, N.Y.: Anthem Press, 2006, ISBN 978-1-84331-219-2, page 118:

  10. At the end of the long procession came a smitten woman. (..) I think of the women who have fastened the tendrils of their heart's affection round unworthy men, and have married them, hoping, trusting and believing that their love and influence would be powerful enough to win the men to sobriety and virtue. Alas! how mistaken they have been!
  11. (inflection of).

  12. (inflection of)