
suomi-englanti sanakirja

smash englannista suomeksi

  1. iskulyönti

  2. lyödä iskulyönti

  3. murskautua, pirstoutua, särkyä

  4. särkeä, rikkoa, hajottaa

  5. yleisömenestys

  6. isku, kumautus, lyönti

  7. paiskautua

  8. törmätä, iskeytyä

  9. murskata, kukistaa

  10. musertaa

  11. pirstoa

  12. räsähtäen

  13. mäiskäistä

  14. yhteentörmäys

  15. kolari

  1. Substantiivi

  2. paukaus, rämähdys, rysäys

  3. mälli slang, kolari

  4. hitti, menestys

  5. iskulyönti

  6. Verbi

  7. murskata, pirstoa, särkeä, rikkoa

  8. murskautua, särkyä

  9. jysäyttää, mäiskäistä, lyödä, iskeä, täräyttää, läimäyttää

  10. murskata, luhistaa

  11. murskata, menestyä, loistaa

smash englanniksi

  1. The sound of a violent impact; a violent striking together.

  2. (syn)


  3. A traffic collision.

  4. Something very successful or popular (as music, food, fashion, etc).

  5. (quote-book)

  6. (quote-journal)Mumford & Sons – prospering British folk band, in the middle of a long tour of Australia, the US and the UK, their newly released album Babel a smash on all fronts – wander to centre stage.

  7. (quote-web)

  8. A very hard overhead shot hit sharply downward.

  9. {{quote-web

  10. A bankruptcy.

  11. A disaster; a bad situation.

  12. (RQ:Dickens Oliver Twist)

  13. A mashed foodstuff.

  14. {{quote-text|en|year=2017|author=Charles Rawlings-Way; Brett Atkinson|title=Lonely Planet Discover Australia

  15. (c) A kind of julep cocktail containing chunks of fresh fruit that can be eaten after finishing the drink.

  16. Airspeed; pressure.

  17. (cap).

  18. (RQ:Stevenson Treasure Island)

  19. To break (something brittle) violently.

  20. (RQ:Wells Time Machine)

  21. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-06-29|volume=407|issue=8842|page=28|magazine=The Economist

  22. (quote-journal)

  23. To be destroyed by being smashed.

  24. To hit extremely hard.

  25. To ruin completely and suddenly.

  26. To defeat overwhelmingly; to gain a comprehensive success over.

  27. ''I really smashed that English exam.''

  28. To deform through continuous pressure.

  29. {{quote-text|en|year=2016|author=Doreen Virtue; Jenny Ross|title=Veggie Mama|page=154

  30. To have intercourse with.

  31. 2020 November 7, (w) on ''(w)'':

  32. A website that begs the question, what kind of bitch only smashes with farmers?
  33. (syn of)

  34. {{quote-text|en|year=1910|author=Fergus Hume|title=The Peacock of Jewels

  35. To pass counterfeit money.

  36. (l)

  37. (l) (tennis shot)

  38. (l) (gloss)

  39. (alternative form of)