
suomi-englanti sanakirja

secar englanniksi

  1. to (l)

  2. (alternative form of)

  3. to dry

  4. (syn)

  5. to wipe dry

  6. to become dry

  7. to wither

  8. to cease to milk, to dry

  9. to dry; to out

  10. to dry (gloss)

  11. (ant)

  12. (quote-song)|title=a cor púrpura|passage=Uma pessoa me tocou sem eu querer / E ainda me convenceu que eu gostava / Molhou com seu suor minha pele infantil / E secou minhas lágrimas sempre que eu chorava|t=Someone touched me without my consent / And even convinced me that I liked it / They wet my infantile skin with their sweat / And dried my tears whenever I cried

  13. to up (gloss)

  14. to wither (gloss)

  15. to dry