
suomi-englanti sanakirja

saveloy englannista suomeksi

  1. saveloy

  1. Substantiivi

saveloy englanniksi

  1. A seasoned and smoked pork sausage, normally purchased ready-cooked.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book)|edition=new|location=London|publisher=(...) (publishers)|John Rivington and Sons,(nb...)|year=1788|page=257|pageurl=|oclc=863483132|passage=''Savoloys''. TAKE ſix pounds of young pork, free it from bone and ſkin, and ſalt it with one ounce of ſalt-petre, and a pound of common ſalt, for two days; ...

  4. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(w),(nb...)|year=1810|page=394|pageurl=|oclc=1157994703|passage=''Savaloys, or Cervelas.'' ... Fill the gut, and bake the savaloys for half an hour in a moderate oven.

  5. (RQ:Dickens David Copperfield)

  6. (quote-journal)|date=16 May 1839|volume=XII|section=paragraph 1540|page=63|pageurl=|oclc=50416570|passage=GEORGE PUCILL was indicted for stealing, on the 13th of April 15 savoloys, value 1''s.'' 3''d.''; and ¾lb. tripe, value 2''d.'', the goods of George Anderson, his master. (smallcaps). ... I saw some savoloys projecting from a hole in his smock-frock—I then found fifteen more round his body and over his arms— ... (smallcaps) (''police constable H.'' 127) I took the prisoner, and found the tripe and savoloys—he said he was going to take them home for his supper. (The prisoner received a good character, and the prosecutor promised still to employ him.)

  7. (quote-journal)|month=May|year=1855|volume=X|issue=LX|section=chapter II|page=818|pageurl=|oclc=924884025|passage="She always has a savaloy for supper, and I'm going to fetch it, and the beer." ... He walked arm-in-arm with the golden-tressed creature who now carried the savaloy for her mother in a piece of old newspaper!

  8. (quote-book)

  9. (RQ:Doyle Stark Munro Letters)