
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sangoma englannista suomeksi

  1. sangoma

  1. Substantiivi

sangoma englanniksi

  1. A (usually female) traditional healer or herbalist, or doctor.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book) Sir Joseph Causton and Sons,(nb...)|year=1895|page=21|pageurl=|oclc=750045529|passage=The Natal Zulu believes in witchcraft, prophesy, love philtres, and such like. He is firmly fixed in his mind that the witch doctors and sangomas (female diviners) have power to bring rain, to trace spells of witchcraft, to heal by incantation, and to perform sundry other wonders and miracles.

  4. (quote-book) in association with the (w)|year=1986|section=part I (Professional Associations and Government)|page=57|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-7190-1851-0|passage=''Sangoma'' is a type of healer rare in the surveyed area, but seems to be more common in other parts of Botswana. ... In the majority of cases the ''Sangoma'' is a female, but some male ''Disangoma'' are found. The ''Sangoma'' would often, as a young person during a severe illness, be 'called' by the ''Badimo'' through a dream and then seek guidance and training from an elder ''Sangoma''. ... In some cases the ''Sangoma'' would specialise in some types of exorcism during which she would engage in singing, dancing and in some cases using her drum, often entering into a state of trance.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. (quote-book)|year=2014|page=187|pageurl=|isbn=978-1-4767-7902-7|passage=Lesedi was a sangoma, you know. I think she tried to put a curse on me because I was spying on her. But I wasn't really spying, I just thought that she was nice and wanted her to be my friend and then I saw the mask and I didn't anymore.

  7. A (l), a doctor.

  8. (l), doctor