
suomi-englanti sanakirja

roanoke englanniksi

  1. Roanoke

  1. White beads of low value made from shells, formerly used for ornaments and currency by Americans of colonial Virginia.

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1624|author=John Smith|title=Generall Historie|publisher=Kupperman|year_published=1988|page=94

  3. 1656, John Tradescant, ''Musaeum Tradescantianum'', pages 47 and 51, different spelling as printed:

  4. Pohatan, King of Virgiania's habit all embroidered with shells, or Roanoke (p. 47); Virginian purses imbroidered with Roanoake (p. 51)
  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1993|author=Joseph Douglas Deal|title=Race and class in colonial Virginia: Indians, Englishmen, and Africans on the Eastern Shore during the seventeenth century|page=23