
suomi-englanti sanakirja

quench englannista suomeksi

  1. sammuttaa

  2. tukahduttaa

  3. karkaista

  4. lannistaa

  1. Verbi

  2. sammuttaa

  3. karkaista

  4. Substantiivi

quench englanniksi

  1. To satisfy, especially a literal or figurative thirst.

  2. (syn)


  3. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  4. (RQ:Falkner Moonfleet)

  5. To extinguish or out (as a fire or light).

  6. {{quote-book|en|year=1798|tlr=anonymous|title=Fortune in Her Wits, and the Hour of All Men|url=https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_life_of_Paul_the_Spanish_sharper_Bk/ckMUAAAAYAAJ?gbpv=1&pg=PA99|location=Edinburgh|publisher=|volume=3|pages=130–131|pageurl=https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_life_of_Paul_the_Spanish_sharper_Bk/ckMUAAAAYAAJ?gbpv=1&pg=PA130|author=Francisco de Quevedo|original=La fortuna con seso, y La hora de todos

  7. To cool rapidly by direct contact with liquid coolant, as a blacksmith quenching hot iron.

  8. To terminate or greatly diminish (non-gloss definition) by destroying or deforming the remaining reagents.

  9. To rapidly change the parameters of a system.

  10. (quote-journal)

  11. To rapidly terminate the operation of a superconducting electromagnet by causing part or all of the magnet's windings to enter the normal, resistive state.

  12. (quote-web) case you might find yourself with a lot of high-quality scrap metal.

  13. The act of quenching something; the fact of being quenched.

  14. {{quote-book|en|author=Saul Bellow|title=The Adventures of Augie March|year=1965|origyear=1949|page=495|location=New York|publisher=Random House, Inc.|url=https://archive.org/details/adventuresofaugi0000bell_n6p3/page/494/mode/2up?q=quench

  15. The abnormal termination of operation of a superconducting magnet, occurring when part of the superconducting coil enters the normal (resistive) state.

  16. (quote-web)

  17. A rapid change of the parameters of a system.