
suomi-englanti sanakirja

purl englannista suomeksi

  1. solista

  2. reunustaa metallilangalla

  3. kohista

  4. metalliputkilanka

  5. neuloa nurjia silmukoita

  6. neuloa metallilangalla

  7. nurja

  1. nurja silmukka">nurja silmukka

purl englanniksi

  1. A particular stitch in knitting; an inversion of stitches giving the work a ribbed or waved appearance.

  2. The edge of lace trimmed with loops.

  3. An embroidered and puckered border; a hem or fringe, often of gold or silver twist; also, a pleat or fold, as of a band.

  4. (RQ:Sidney Arcadia)

  5. To decorate with fringe or embroidered edge

  6. ''Needlework purled with gold.''

  7. To use an inverted stitch producing ribbing etc.

  8. ''Knit one, purl two.''

  9. a heavy or headlong fall; an upset.

  10. To upset, to spin, capsize, fall heavily, fall headlong.

  11. ''The huntsman was purled from his horse.''

  12. To flow with a murmuring sound in swirls and eddies.

  13. (RQ:Homer Pope Iliad)

  14. (quote-journal)| month=October| year=1846| volume=XXIX| issue=4| page=190| pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=lOmf2vSWTQYC&pg=RA1-PA190|oclc=1017756595| passage=There is a water-break formed by a small terrace of rock in mid-stream, and purling with a hollow, delicious monotone—an island of pebbles is above, with here and there smaller ones near the "forks."

  15. {{quote-journal|en|date=October 23 2023|author=Murr Brewster|titleurl=https://www.csmonitor.com/The-Culture/The-Home-Forum/2023/1023/Grizzlies-and-caribou-and-wolves-oh-my!-Savoring-Denali-s-delights|title=Grizzlies and caribou and wolves, oh my! Savoring Denali’s delights.|journal=The Christian Science Monitor

  16. To rise in circles, ripples, or undulations; to curl; to mantle.

  17. (RQ:Shakespeare Lucrece)

  18. A circle made by the motion of a fluid; an eddy; a ripple.

  19. {{RQ:Drayton Mortimeriados

  20. (RQ:Taylor Works)

  21. A gentle murmuring sound, such as that produced by the running of a liquid among obstructions.

  22. (ux)

  23. Ale or beer spiced with wormwood or other bitter herbs, regarded as a tonic.

  24. {{quote-journal|en|year=1711|journal=The Spectator|issue=88

  25. Hot beer mixed with gin, sugar, and spices.

  26. (RQ:Spectator)

  27. {{RQ:Dickens Barnaby Rudge|chapter=60

  28. A tern.