
suomi-englanti sanakirja

proto- englanniksi

  1. proto

  1. An early, primitive stage of development.

  2. protophysics, protometal, protoword

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. Original, older.

  5. protograph, protolacteal, prototype, protoplasm

  6. (a) First in order; which stage is first.

  7. protogynous, protandrous

  8. Primary.

  9. protoderm, protocneme

  10. Most recent common ancestor (often hypothetical) of.

  11. (ux)

  12. A minimal proportion of a particular substance when in a combination. (n-g)

  13. protoxide, protosulfide, protiodide

  14. Relating to protons and/or positive charge.

  15. protophilic, protolysis

  16. (a) Anterior.

  17. prototroch, protoconid, protoconule

  18. (l)

  19. proto- (gloss)

  20. (ng)

  21. (prefixusex)