
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pretext englannista suomeksi

  1. veruke

  2. tekosyy

  1. Substantiivi

  2. tekosyy, veruke

  3. Verbi

pretext englanniksi

  1. A false, contrived, or assumed purpose or reason; a pretense.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (RQ:Jonson Every Man in His Humour)

  4. (RQ:Landon Francesca Carrara)

  5. (RQ:Orwell Animal Farm)

  6. {{quote-book

  7. (quote-web) (Classic): ‘(w)4, episode 8; originally aired 12 November 1992|work=The A.V. Club|date=27 May 2012|archiveurl=|archivedate=18 September 2020|passage=When that metaphor proves untenable, he switches to insisting that women are like beer but that’s mainly as a pretext to drink until he passes out in a father-son bonding haze.

  8. To employ a pretext, which involves using a false or contrived purpose for soliciting the gain of something else.

  9. (RQ:James Ambassadors) the something in the air of these establishments; the vibration of the vast, strange life of the town; the influence of the types, the performers, concocting their messages; the little prompt Paris women arranging, pretexting goodness knew what, driving the dreadful needle-pointed public pen at the dreadful sand-strewn public table(..)

  10. (quote-book)

  11. (l)

  12. (l)

  13. (syn)

  14. (quote-book)|editor=(w)|title=Robert Petrés dagbok ifrån år 1702 till slaget vid Pultava|format=diary|page=83|pageurl=|text=(..) om deri skulle finnas något gewehr och amunition, som war emoth accord, men under prætext der af togz bårt, wad dem anstod och blänkte för deras ögon, (..)|t=(..) if there should be any rifle and ammunition therein, who were against accord, but under the pretext of which was taken away, what suited them and shone before their eyes, (..)

  15. (quote-book)|title=August Strindbergs brev. 12. December 1896–augusti 1898|section=Till (w)|format=letter|page=231|pageurl=|text=Skalden, hvilken har journalismen som näringsfång borde medan han är jemförelsevis ung göra en studieresa till Europens hufvudstad, Paris; t.ex. under pretext studera journalism och telegrambyråkratism.|t=The poet, who has journalism as a livelihood, while he is comparatively young, should make a study trip to the capital of Europe, Paris; for example under the pretext of studying journalism and telegram bureaucracy.