
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pluck englannista suomeksi

  1. höyhentää

  2. näpätä

  3. nyppiä, kiskaista

  4. näppäily

  5. poimia

  6. tyrkyttää

  7. sinnikkyys, rohkeus

  8. kyniä

  1. Verbi

  2. nykäistä, kiskaista

  3. näppäillä

  4. kyniä

  5. Substantiivi

  6. sinnikkyys

pluck englanniksi

  1. To pull something sharply; to pull something out

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Chesnutt House Behind the Cedars)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. To take or remove (someone) quickly from a particular place or situation.

  6. 1937, Labour Party (Great Britain), ''Report of the Annual Conference'' (volumes 37-40, page 281)

  7. First of all, he says a lot of the promotions from the ranks are promotions of the sons of officers who have gone wrong , or got "plucked," or what not, and who are brought up again along another road for commissioned rank.
  8. (quote-book)|passage=The hardest mission fell to the tanker aircraft, decidedly unglamorous birds, mainly flown by Air Force Reserve crews—most of them plucked from their airline jobs—so rapidly called into service that FAA rules for crew rest time on domestic airlines were quietly violated for the next several weeks.

  9. To play (a single string on a instrument) by pulling and then releasing it, such as on a guitar.

  10. To remove feathers from a bird.

  11. (RQ:Jefferies Amateur Poacher)

  12. To rob, steal from; to cheat or swindle (someone).

  13. {{quote-text|en|year=1796|author=Mary Wollstonecraft|title=Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark|page=64|publisher=Oxford|year_published=2009

  14. To play a instrument pizzicato.

  15. To pull or twitch sharply.

  16. To reject (a student) after they fail an examination for a degree.

  17. (quote-book)|chapter=Topics Concerning Pluck|title=A New Art Teaching How to be Plucked,(nb...)|location=Oxford, Oxfordshire|publisher=J. Vincent|year=1835|page=34|pageurl=|oclc=1085987588|passage=For arguing that a man will be plucked take the Topics following: for among men likely to be plucked are these for the most part. He that hath no friends, he that hath many friends; the first because he hath none to put him in the right way; the second, because he hath many to draw him therefrom.

  18. (RQ:Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre)

  19. (RQ:Thackeray Pendennis)

  20. (RQ:Kingsley Alton Locke)

  21. (quote-book)

  22. Of a glacier: to transport individual pieces of bedrock by means of gradual erosion through freezing and thawing.

  23. An instance of plucking or pulling sharply.

  24. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=Tom Cunliffe|title=Complete Yachtmaster|page=40

  25. The lungs, heart with trachea and often oesophagus removed from slaughtered animals.

  26. (senseid) Guts, nerve, fortitude or persistence.

  27. (syn)

  28. Cheap wine.