
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pica englannista suomeksi

  1. pica-oireyhtymä, outojen aineiden syömähimo

  2. pica

  1. oireyhtymä">pica-oireyhtymä

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

pica englanniksi

  1. Pica

  1. (senseid) A disorder characterized by appetite and craving for non-edible substances, such as chalk, clay, dirt, ice, or sand.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. A magpie.

  5. A size of type between pica and English, now standardized as 12-point.

  6. {{quote-book|en|year=1790|author=James Boswell|editor=Danziger & Brady|title=Boswell: The Great Biographer|publisher=Yale|year_published=1989|page=30

  7. A font of this size.

  8. A unit of length equivalent to 12 points, officially (frac) cm (0.166 in) after 1886 but now (frac) in.

  9. (cot)

  10. A pie or directory: the book directing Catholic observance of saints' days and other feasts under various calendars.

  11. (archaic form of)

  12. {{quote-text|en|year=1895|author=Richard Lydekker|title=The Royal Natural History|volume=3|page=190

  13. bowl

  14. (uxi)

  15. sink

  16. (syn)

  17. pike

  18. spade

  19. (l) (gloss)

  20. peak, summit

  21. pika (gloss)

  22. (ca-verb form of)

  23. pipit

  24. spade (gloss)

  25. (gl-verb form of)

  26. picacismo

  27. magpie

  28. pizza

  29. fodder, forage

  30. vulva

  31. fodder, forage

  32. cunt, pussy (gl)

  33. act of mincing

  34. pike (gl)

  35. dick; prick; penis

  36. jab (gloss)

  37. energy; power

  38. enthusiasm, will

  39. joint (gl)

  40. inspector

  41. awesome; amazing; cool

  42. (l)

  43. dace; chub (gl)

  44. atherine (gl)

  45. pika (gl)

  46. pic (gloss)

  47. (pt-verb form of)

  48. to fall

  49. to fail, have downtime, be interrupted

  50. to have drops of liquid fall on something or someone

  51. to drip a liquid

  52. to stain something, respectively oneself

  53. to hit (in aggression, with a blunt object)

  54. to fail an exam

  55. (ant)

  56. to fail a student

  57. to be arbitrarily assigned

  58. (ux)

  59. to fall on a date

  60. to by, appear

  61. to fall into one's hands|fall into one’s hands, fall into one's lap|fall into one’s lap (+obj)

  62. to dive

  63. (l)

  64. (noun form of)

  65. cunt, pussy

  66. pike, lance

  67. pick (gloss)

  68. (es-verb form of)