
suomi-englanti sanakirja

perambulation englannista suomeksi

  1. rajankäynti, tarkastusmatka, kierros

  2. kävely

  1. Substantiivi

perambulation englanniksi

  1. A survey, a tour; a walking around.

  2. (quote-text)|title=Amusements Serious and Comical, calculated for the Meridian of London|page=10

  3. (RQ:Mary Shelley Frankenstein) when Henry proposed a pedestrian tour in the environs of Ingolstadt(...) We passed a fortnight in these perambulations: my health and spirits had long been restored, and they gained additional strength from the salubrious air I breathed, the natural incidents of our progress, and the conversation of my friend.

  4. (RQ:Irving Sketch Book)

  5. An English legal ceremony in which an official from a town or parish walks around it to delineate and record its boundaries.

  6. (syn)

  7. 1902, ''Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society'', published by the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society

  8. Another forest not named in the perambulation is that of Horwich.
  9. 1929, ''Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society'', published by the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society

  10. The earliest known reference to the stone is that in the perambulation of the parish of Puddletown recorded in the Cartulary of Christchurch Priory.
  11. The district thus inspected.