
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pasar englanniksi

  1. (romanization of)

  2. passing grade, mark or score

  3. passed

  4. qualified

  5. to pass, cross

  6. to swallow

  7. to spoil

  8. to withstand, endure

  9. to die

  10. to over, disregard

  11. to happen

  12. {{quote-text|gl|year=1596|author=anonymous|title=Diálogo de Alberte e Bieito|url=

  13. to (l) (gloss)

  14. to (l)

  15. (l):

  16. a gathering of people for the purchase and sale of merchandise at a set time, often periodic.

  17. (syn)

  18. a composition of systems, institutions, procedures, social relations or infrastructures whereby parties engage in exchange.

  19. (syn) (q)

  20. (l), (l), (l).

  21. (romanization of).

  22. market

  23. road

  24. to pass, to hand, to slip

  25. to happen

  26. (uxi)

  27. to pass, to past, to past, to by, to over, to through

  28. (ux)

  29. to spend time

  30. (coi)

  31. to enter a room

  32. to too far, exaggerate

  33. to exceed, surpass, over

  34. to ripen too much, become rotten, become off (gl)

  35. to pass (gl)

  36. to strain, to sieve, to sift

  37. to break the law, rule, order

  38. to trespass (gl)

  39. to puree (gl)

  40. to omit, out

  41. to send, transmit

  42. to stand, tolerate, bear

  43. to through, to through, to by (gl)

  44. (q)'' + infinitive to begin a process or action; (gl) to become, to come to be

  45. (quote-journal)

  46. to pass an exam

  47. to by, to by

  48. to spend (gl)

  49. to journey

  50. to filter

  51. to pass, cross

  52. to thread (through)