
suomi-englanti sanakirja

paratype englanniksi

  1. A physical specimen (or an illustration) that is not the holotype but is considered the same taxon by the author of the holotype.

  2. {{quote-journal|en|year=1942|author=Alan Stone|title=The Fruitflies of the Genus Anastrepha|publisher=US Department of Agriculture|journal=Miscellaneous Publication|section=439, page 44

  3. 1965, James A. G. Rehn, ''A New Genus of Symbiotic Cockroach from Southwest Africa (Orthoptera; Blattaria; Oxyhaloinae)'', ''Notulae Naturae'', (w), page 6,

  4. An adult female paratype will be sent to the Transvaal Museum (at Dr. Kohls' request) and a similar one to the United States National Museum. The remainder are in the collection of this Academy. All were taken with the type and allotype.
  5. {{quote-book|en|year=2008|author=Charles W. Heckman|title=Encyclopedia of South American Aquatic Insects: Odonata - Zygoptera|pageurl=|page=3|publisher=Springer