
suomi-englanti sanakirja

panic englannista suomeksi

  1. saattaa pakokauhun valtaan

  2. joutua pakokauhun valtaan, panikoida

  3. kauhu, paniikki

  1. paniikki

  2. panikoida

  3. Substantiivi

panic englanniksi

  1. (alternative case form of)

  2. (synonyms)

  3. Of fear, fright, etc: overwhelming or sudden.

  4. (RQ:Montaigne Florio Essayes)

  5. (RQ:Plutarch Holland Morals) was captaine general of the Thebans, there was never ſeene in his campe any of theſe ſudden fooliſh frights, without any certeine cauſe, which they call ''Panique Terrores''.

  6. (RQ:Ward Simple Cobler)

  7. (RQ:Herbert Travaile)

  8. (RQ:Dryden Fables)

  9. (quote-book)|series=The Avignon Quintet|seriesvolume=2|location=London; Boston, Mass.|publisher=Faber and Faber|year=1978|page=239|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-571-11297-5|passage=At that moment a flight of birds passed close overhead, and at the whirr of their wings a panic fear seized her.

  10. (quote-book)

  11. Pertaining to or resulting from overwhelming fear or fright.

  12. (RQ:Fuller Holy State) King of Sweden|para=5|page=332|passage=He perceived how that many women followed his ſouldiers, ſome being their wives, and ſome wanting nothing to make them ſo but marriage, (..) The King coming to a great river, after his men and the wagons were paſſed over, cauſed the bridge to be broken down, hoping ſo to be rid of theſe feminine impediments; but they on a ſudden liſt up a panick ſhrick which pierced the skies, and the ſouldiers hearts on the other ſide of the river, who inſtantly vowed not to ſtirre a foot farther, except with baggage, and that the women might be fetch'd over, which was done accordingly.

  13. (RQ:Defoe Dutch Deputies)

  14. Overwhelming fear or fright, often affecting groups of people or animals; an instance of this; a fright, a scare.

  15. (RQ:Vance Nobody)

  16. (RQ:Fitzgerald Great Gatsby)

  17. (RQ:Allingham China Governess)

  18. (quote-song)

  19. (short for); any system crash.

  20. A rapid reduction in asset prices due to broad efforts to raise cash in anticipation of such prices continuing to decline.

  21. (quote-journal)

  22. A highly amusing or entertaining performer, performance, or show; a riot, a scream.

  23. To cause (someone) to feel (l); also, to frighten (someone) into acting hastily.

  24. (RQ:Kipling Limits and Renewals)

  25. To cause (a system) to crash.

  26. To highly amuse, entertain, or impress (an audience watching a performance or show).

  27. To feel panic, or overwhelming fear or fright; to out, to lose one's head.

  28. (quote-av)

  29. Of a computer system: to crash.

  30. millet|Foxtail millet or millet ((taxfmt)), the second-most widely grown species of millet.

  31. A plant of the genus (taxfmt), or of similar plants of other genera (especially (taxfmt) and (taxfmt)) formerly included within (taxfmt); panicgrass or grass.

  32. (RQ:Turner New Herball) hathe no name in Engliſh yet&11805; but it may well be called panick after y&868; Latin. Panik hath leues lyke vnto a rede when it commeth firſt furth. (..) &91;folio 76, verso&93; Dioſcorides writeth y&877; Panic hathe the ſame vertue y&877; Milleth hathe&11805; but that it noriſheth & byndeth leſſe. Galene ſayeth y&877; panic is of the kynde of pulſes&11805; and in lykenes lyke vnto millet&11805; and alſo in vertue of ſmall noriſhmẽt&11805; and dry.|translation=Panicum (..) hath no name in English yet, but it may well be called panic after the Latin. Panic hath leaves like unto a reed when it cometh first forth. (..) Dioscorides|Pedanius Dioscorides writeth that panic hath the same virtue that millet hath, but that it nourisheth and bindeth less. (w) sayeth that panic is of the kind of pulses, and in likeness like unto millet, and also in virtue of small nourishment, and dry.

  33. (RQ:Gerard Herball)

  34. The edible grain obtained from one of the above plants.

  35. male virgin

  36. grass, (l), panicgrass

  37. (syn)