
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pamphlet englannista suomeksi

  1. pamfletti

  1. Substantiivi

  2. pamfletiksi, kirjanen

  3. Verbi

pamphlet englanniksi

  1. A small, brief printed work, consisting either of a folded sheet of paper, or several sheets bound together into a booklet with only a paper cover, formerly containing literary compositions, newsletters, and newspapers, but now chiefly informational matter.

  2. (RQ:Harvey Pierces Supererogation)

  3. (RQ:Boswell Johnson). "No, Sir. A few ſheets of poetry unbound are a pamphlet, as much as a few ſheets of proſe." Musgrave|Samuel (smallcaps). "A pamphlet may be underſtood to mean a poetical piece, in Weſtminſter-Hall, that is in formal language; but in common language it is underſtood to mean proſe." (smallcaps). (and here was one of the many inſtances of his knowing clearly and telling exactly how a thing is) "A pamphlet is underſtood in common language to mean proſe, only from this, that there is ſo much more proſe written than poetry; as when we ſay a ''book'', proſe is underſtood for the ſame reaſon, though a book may as well be in poetry as in proſe. We underſtand what is moſt general, and we name what is leſs frequent."

  4. (quote-journal)|month=June|year=1832|issue=XXX|page=192|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=827778437|passage=The brewing of beer from malt instead of sugar is strongly recommended, and a scale of rewards in grants of land, had been proposed; which however had not been adopted by the Colonial Council, and seems to be objected to by the Governor: but this interesting pamphlet requires to be read to appreciate its value.

  5. (RQ:Wharton Summer)

  6. (quote-journal), States Department of Labor|U.S. Department of Labor|month=fall|year=1980|volume=24|issue=3|page=15|pageurl=|column=1|issn=0199-4786|oclc=1007369052|passage=The librarian should consider the value of the publication compared to its cost. How far will one resource stretch compared with another of the same price? For example, a pamphlet or booklet series is accessible to more people at one time than a bound volume.

  7. Such a work containing political material or discussing matters of controversy.

  8. (RQ:Milton Reason)

  9. (RQ:Swift Free Thoughts) Miniſters are ſo wiſe to leave their Proceedings to be accounted for by Reaſoners at a Diſtance, who often mould them into Syſtems, that do not only go down very well in the Coffee-Houſe, but are Supplies for Pamphlets in the preſent Age, and may probably furniſh Materials for Memoirs and Hiſtories in the next.

  10. A brief handwritten work.

  11. (quote-book) For TEAMS (The Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages) in association with the (w) by Medieval Institute Publications, (w)|year=c. 1385|year_published=1998|section=book III|lines=1088–1091|page=302|pageurl=|isbn=978-1-58044-001-1|passage=Christ now to Thee I crye of mercy and of grace and graunt of Thy goodnes to every maner reder ful understandyng in this leude pamflet to have, and let no man wene other cause in this werke that is verily the soth.|translation=Christ, now to Thee I cry of mercy and of grace, and grant of Thy goodness to every manner of? reader full understanding in this lewed unlearned pamphlet to have, and let no man suppose other cause in this work that is verily the sooth truth.|brackets=on|termlang=en

  12. (quote-book)|series=Original Series|seriesvolume=192|location=London|publisher=(...) For the (w), by Sumner Milford|Humphrey Milford, (w)(nb...)|year=a. 1410?|year_published=1934|volume_plain=part II (Secular Poems)|section=stanza 5, lines 33–35|page=469|pageurl=|oclc=1257953963|passage=And heere I cast vnto my purpoos / Out of Frenssh a tale to translate, / Which in a pau''n''flet I radde & sauh but late.|translation=And here I cast unto my purpose / Out of French a tale to translate, / Which in a pamphlet I read and saw but late.|brackets=on|termlang=en

  13. To distribute pamphlets (to someone or some place).

  14. (quote-journal) Joanna Brome(nb...)|year=1682 July 15 (Gregorian calendar)|issue=165|page=&91;2&93;|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=39357714|passage=Is not This a ''Seaſonable'' and ''Wholeſome Doctrine'', d'ye think, to publiſh to the Multitude at this time of day, when they are ''Preacht'' and ''Pamphletted'' into ''Tinder'' already; And the Leaſt ſpark hazzards the Putting of 'em All in a ''flame''?

  15. (quote-journal)

  16. (quote-book)|title=The Dead Ladies Project: Exiles, Expats & Ex-countries|location=Chicago, Ill.; London|publisher=University of Chicago Press|year=2015|page=207|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-226-27845-2|passage=Being skilled pickpockets and socially invisible, they slip the propaganda into the pockets of the occupiers. They write letters as the ghosts of dead soldiers. They particularly like pamphletting the funerals of dead German soldiers, writing in the voice of the recently deceased.

  17. To write about (someone or something) in a pamphlet; to issue (some material) in the form of a pamphlet.

  18. (quote-journal) Joanna Brome(nb...)|year=1683 October 27 (Gregorian calendar)|issue=422|page=&91;2&93;|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=39357714|passage=How many Honourable, and Loyall ''Gentlemen''; Nay the ''Flower'' of the ''Nobility'', have been ''Pamphleted'' up and down the Nation like ſo many ''Shrewing-Cocks'', for every Cur to lift up his Leg and ''Piſs'' againſt; as the Betrayers of the Liberties of the Nation, when, Effectually, they were next under God himſelf, the ''Preſervers'' of 'em: (..)

  19. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) For the author, and sold by his appointment,(nb...)|year=1716|volume_plain=part II|page=42|pageurl=|oclc=316468138|passage=This Diſcourse being Pamphleted about, to Court, City and Country, open'd a door to the Reformation intended, and ſhut out all thoſe prejudices it might lie under from the ''State'', and Religion of Fore-fathers, &c.

  20. (quote-book)|chapter=Miss F. Burney to Mr. Crisp|editor=Charlotte Barrett|title=Diary and Letters of Madame d’Arblay|edition=new|location=London|publisher=Bickers and Son,(nb...)|month=January|year=1779|year_published=1870s|volume=I (1778 to 1784)|page=103|pageurl=|oclc=7882899|passage=(..) I never knew how much in earnest and in sincerity she was my friend till she heard of my infinite ''frettation'' upon occasion of being pamphleted; and then she took the trouble to write me a long scolding letter and Dr. Johnson|Samuel Johnson himself came to talk to me about it, and to reason with me; (..)

  21. (quote-journal) J. B. Colvin, at Pechin’s Printing-Office,(nb...)|date=25 March 1801|section=chapter XXVII|page=238|pageurl=|column=2|oclc=1243685997|passage=You are not exhibiting yourſelves here to become the heroes of a newſpaper; and the converſation that is about to take place between us, is not intended to be pamphleted into the world.

  22. (quote-journal)|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Universalist Union Press,(nb...)|date=6 April 1839|volume=IV|issue=22-I|page=349|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=475911607|passage=I could wish that this article might be pamphletted, and a large edition struck.

  23. (quote-journal)|date=3 February 1844|volume=2|issue=15|page=340|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=243881362|passage=The story got abroad, and created great laughter throughout the whole country, and, as might be expected, the little Mayor of C., was ere long caricatured, pamphleted, and paragraphed into resigning, and it was only then that he was allowed to live in peace, and to forget his fatal visit to Valengay.

  24. (quote-journal)|location=Augusta, Ga.|publisher=John M. Weigle|date=27 December 1895|year_published=1896|page=159|pageurl=|oclc=50355644|passage=These agreements are matters of record, and I suggest that copies of these agreements be pamphletted so as to be available to city officials.

  25. (quote-hansard)|house=Zealand House of Representatives|House of Representatives|location=Wellington|publisher=John Mackay, government printer|date=28 July 1896|volume=XCIII|page=503|pageurl=|column=1|oclc=84941993|passage=The honourable member was apparently the friend of a solicitor who was one of the Council of Foreign Bondholders which sent the communication to the colony, which was published in the Press of this colony, and then subsequently pamphleted and disseminated broadcast among certain circles in England, with the idea of leading the people there to the belief that he (Mr. Ward) had in this matter acted with duplicity in not acquainting the members of the Council of Foreign Bondholders with a decision of the Government in regard to this matter—which decision had never been given or sent to him.

  26. (quote-book)

  27. To distribute pamphlets.

  28. To write or produce pamphlets.

  29. (RQ:Nashe Pierce Penilesse) Had you not beene so forward in the republishing of it, you shold haue had certayne epistles to orators and poets, to insert to the later end: as, namely, (..) to the ghost of ''Greene (dramatist)|Robert Greene'', telling him what a 2|coyle tumult there is with pamphleting on him after his death.|footer=Quotation of a letter written by Nashe.

  30. (RQ:Dekker Non-dramatic Works)

  31. lampoon (gl)

  32. (l) (gl)

  33. (l) (gl)