
suomi-englanti sanakirja

pamper englannista suomeksi

  1. paapoa

  1. Verbi

  2. hemmotella, hyysätä, lelliä

  3. Substantiivi

pamper englanniksi

  1. To treat with excessive care, attention or indulgence.

  2. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  3. To feed luxuriously.

  4. To put someone in pampers (a diaper).

  5. (alternative form of).

  6. (quote-book)And let me get you some more panties. I got all sizes. You look like about a size four,” she comments going to another cabinet. “Now, when you put these on after you wash up and the medicine kicks in, the maxi-pad goes on the inside of your panties on the bottom to catch all that blood coming out of your tail.” She must be crazy. I gotta wear a pamper.

  7. (quote-book)

  8. (quote-book)

  9. (quote-web)

  10. a diaper, a nappy

  11. (l), (l)

  12. (syn)