
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ouro englanniksi

  1. gold

  2. gold (qualifier)

  3. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  4. Como ſanta maria demoſtrou a ũu Rey que trobaua por ela gran teſouro douro ⁊ de prata.
    : How Holy Mary revealed a great treasure of gold and silver to a king who wrote songs for Her.
    A primeyra era ouro / coor rrica ⁊ fremoſa / a ſemellante da uirgen / nobre ⁊ mui preçioſa.
    : The first one was gold, a rich and beautiful colour, similar to the noble and very gorgeous Virgin.
  5. gold (gloss)

  6. gold (gloss)

  7. (singular of) (gloss)

  8. (pt-verb form of)