
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ordure englannista suomeksi

  1. ulosteet

  1. Substantiivi

ordure englanniksi

  1. Dung, excrement.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book)|title=Human Ordure, Botanically Considered.(nb...)|location=printed at Dublin, and reprinted at London|publisher=For F. Coggan(nb...)|year=1733|page=6|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=KiVcAAAAQAAJ&pg=PT5|oclc=642355726|passage=But there has none employed my Thoughts of late ſo much, as a very nice inquiſition, or inſpection, into the frequent differences we meet with Human Ordure. The World may ſay, perhaps, I had very little to do, and that ſo ſolemn and ſerious a Preface, ill became ſo foul a Subject; but let what will be ſaid, I can't help communicating my Sentiments, but will endeavour to wrap 'em up in as cleanly a manner, as the dirtineſs of the Theme will admit.

  4. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=s.n.|year=1776|section=section I (Of Assaults, and of Preparation to Assault)|page=223|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=H65aAAAAcAAJ&pg=RA1-PA223|oclc=906287501|passage=If a Man throws upon a Woman's body, from the Navel upwards to beneath the Neck, any Spue, or Urine, or Ordure, or Semen, the Magiſtrate ſhall fine him One Hundred and Twenty ''Puns'' of ''Cowries''.

  5. (quote-journal)|year=1843|volume=I (New Series)|pages=289–290|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=yidOAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA290|oclc=659351979|passage=It seems at first sight a strange thing that Paris, with its apparently pure air, should be by no means so healthy a place to live in as London. ... Another cause, not so sensible to the eye as to another organ, we have long believed to be, the universal accumulation of ordures in pestiferous cess-pools under or near almost every house. ... The removal of these ordures is periodical, and must take place in the night. ... From the cleaned-out dwellings the ordures are taken to the greatest laystall in the world, the Boyauteries of Montfaucon, famous for its filth, its carrion, and countless myriads of rats. Thence they are bought up by growers as manure for the land; ...

  6. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(w),(nb...); Nottingham, Nottinghamshire: Thomas Forman & Sons|year=1882|volume=I (II of England|King Henry II. to II of England|King Richard II., 1155–1399)|page=321|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/recordsofborough01nott/page/321/mode/1up|oclc=870062190|passage=Also, they say that Margaret Samon, Nicholas Alastre, Thomas de Stanley, John Etwall, Richard Etwall, and William, son of Hugh Spicer, block up the common cavern of the aforesaid town on the northern side with ordure, weeds, and cinders, to the serious damage of the whole town aforesaid, etc.

  7. (RQ:Woolf Jacob's Room)

  8. (quote-us-patent)

  9. (quote-book)|year2=1990|page2=27|pageurl2=https://archive.org/details/anyoldiron00anth/page/27/mode/1up|isbn2=978-0-671-72708-6|passage=David Jones had seen death on a vast and public scale but never before domestically and at close quarters. This domestic death revolted him. ... The bowels and bladder collapsed, sheets and mattress had to be burnt at the bottom of the back garden. The body, having vulgarly shed its ordures, now turned into an ordure itself.

  10. Dirt, filth.

  11. (quote-journal), printer to the (w)|date=(J2G)|year_published=1670|volume=IV|issue=50|pages=1019–1020|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=7sFeAAAAcAAJ&pg=PP135|oclc=630046584|passage=For, that the ordure, which continually gathers on the skin, would ſoon ſtop the pores of it, if the ſweat were not furniſht with ſome efficacious diſſolvent to open and pierce them.

  12. (RQ:Dictionaire Oeconomique)

  13. Something regarded as contaminating or perverting the morals; obscene material.

  14. (quote-journal)&93;|title=Nonsense of Common-sense. No. 7. Of Indecent Writers.|editor=Sylvanus Urban (w)|magazine=The Gentleman's Magazine|The Gentleman’s Magazine: And Historical Chronicle|location=London|publisher=Printed by Edward Cave, jun.(nb...)|month=February|year=1738|volume=VIII|page=87|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=lHdIAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA87|column=1|oclc=192374019|passage=As my Papers are intended for ſhort Eſſays of Morality,—I ſhall leave to the Authors of ''Common-Senſe'', the full Poſſeſſion of their Puns and Ordures, both now and evermore; ...

  15. (quote-book)’s ''(w)'' for its ‘ordure and blasphemy’, summed the book &91;(w)’s ''(w)'' (1922)&93; up as ‘describing the orgies of vice practised by a group of moral degenerates who stimulate their degraded lusts by doses of cocaine and heroin’.

  16. garbage, refuse, rubbish

  17. dung, animal faeces

  18. obscenity, filthy material

  19. a filthy person

  20. (l), excrement

  21. (RQ:Chaucer Canterbury Tales)

  22. filth, rubbish

  23. moral filth, iniquity