
suomi-englanti sanakirja

opus englannista suomeksi

  1. opus

  1. Substantiivi

  2. opus

  3. teos

  4. Verbi

opus englanniksi

  1. tome

  1. A work of music or set of works with a specified rank in an ordering of a composer's complete published works.

  2. (ux)

  3. A work, especially of art.

  4. (l)

  5. book

  6. opus

  7. (l), artistic work

  8. (syn)

  9. (gl-reinteg-verb form of)

  10. work, labor, accomplishment

  11. (Q)

  12. workmanship, artwork, work (of art, literature, etc.)

  13. need, necessity

  14. (uxi) opus (l) (l)|t=someone needs something

    (uxi)|t=it is necessary

    (uxi) (l) (l) opus (l)|t=I do not need the grain

  15. (Q)|year=27-25 BCE|trans=If reinforcements were needed, he should supply them with the legions which Publius Cornelius, propraetor, was in charge of in Sicily, (..)

  16. (quote-book)

  17. art, skill (q)

  18. work (of God), deed, (miraculous) work

  19. extent

  20. (pt-verb form of)

  21. opposite, contrary

  22. reverse

  23. the opposite, contrary

  24. (past participle of)

  25. (l), musical composition or work