
suomi-englanti sanakirja

nonstop englannista suomeksi

  1. yhtä soittoa, putkeen, yhteen menoon, pysähtymättä, tauotta

  2. tauoton

  3. välilaskuton lento

  4. välilaskuton, yhtämittainen

  1. tauoton; välilaskuton of flight

  2. yhteen menoon, tauotta, putkeen, yhtä soittoa

  3. Substantiivi

nonstop englanniksi

  1. Without stopping; without interruption or break.

  2. ''There's a nonstop flight to Mauritius, but I'm not sitting on the same plane for thirteen hours.''

  3. Describing a mutation within a codon that causes the continued translation of an mRNA strand.

  4. (cot)

  5. Without stopping; without interruption or break

  6. (syn)


  7. A nonstop journey, especially a nonstop flight.

  8. {{quote-journal|en|date=October 14, 2007|author=David Kaufman|title=Discounters Are In for the Long Hauls|work=New York Times|url=

  9. A store in parts of Europe, open 24 hours a day.

  10. (quote-book)|passage=Hungary: Most department stores and gift shops are open weekdays 10–5 or 6, Saturday until 1. Grocery stores are generally open weekdays from 7 or 8 (smallcaps) to 7 (smallcaps); “nonstops,” or ''éjjeli-nappali'',(si) are open 24 hours.

  11. (quote-book)

  12. (seemoreCites)

  13. A linguistic sound that is not a stop; a continuant.

  14. (quote-book)|passage=Some of these consonants are stops, some are non-stops (continuants, see 11.2); some are voiced, others voiceless. It doesn't therefore look as if these consonants can have anything in common.

  15. (l), the clock (gloss)

  16. (uxi)

  17. (l) (gloss)

  18. A store open 24 hours a day.

  19. (quote-book)|title=Întâmplări şi personaje|location=Bucharest|publisher=Editura Polirom|isbn=9789734654581|page=(gbooks)|passage=Într-o seară pe la zece, am intrat într-un nonstop să-mi cumpăr ţigări. Magazin mic, aglomeraţie mare. Doamna vânzătoare abia se mişca, scotea lucrurile solicitate din vitrină ca-ntr-o scenă din Matrix: (..)|t=One evening at around 10 o'clock, I've entered a nonstop to buy myself cigarettes. Small store, big agglomeration. The saleswoman hardly moved and took the requested items out of the display case as though in a scene of Matrix: (..)