
suomi-englanti sanakirja

native englannista suomeksi

  1. alkuperäinen, alkuasukas-

  2. kotoperäinen

  3. syntymä-

  4. alkuperäisasukas, alkuasukas

  5. paikallinen asukas, syntyperäinen, syntyperäinen asukas

  6. kotoperäinen eliölaji

  7. luonnossa pelkkänä esiintyvä

  1. syntyperäinen, syntymä / syntymä-

  2. alkuperäinen, alkuperäinen / alkuperäis-

  3. paikallinen

  4. autoktoninen, kotoperäinen

  5. luonnollinen

  6. alkuperäinen

  7. Substantiivi

  8. paikallinen asukas">paikallinen asukas, alkuasukas pejorative

  9. alkuasukas

native englanniksi

  1. Belonging to one by birth.

  2. (ux)

  3. Characteristic of or relating to people inhabiting a region from prehistoric times.

  4. (alternative case form of) (gloss).

  5. Born or grown in the region in which it lives or is found; not foreign or imported.

  6. Which occurs of its own accord in a given locality, to be contrasted with a species introduced by humans.

  7. Pertaining to the system or architecture in question.

  8. Occurring naturally in its pure or uncombined form.

  9. Arising by birth; having an origin; born.

  10. (RQ:Cudworth Universe)

  11. Original; constituting the original substance of anything.

  12. (RQ:Milton Paradise Lost)

  13. Naturally related; cognate; connected (with).

  14. (RQ:Shakespeare Hamlet) Than is the throne of Denmark to thy father.

  15. A person who is native to a place; a person who was born in a place.

  16. A person of aboriginal descent, as distinguished from a person who was or whose ancestors were foreigners or settlers/colonizers. (alternative case form of) (gloss).

  17. (quote-journal)

  18. {{quote-book|en|year=2009|author=Alex M. Cameron|title=Power without La The Supreme Court of Canada, the Marshall Decisions and the Failure of Judicial Activism|publisher=McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP|isbn=9780773581180

  19. {{quote-book

  20. A speaker.

  21. (taxfmt), a kind of oyster.

  22. (feminine singular of)

  23. (adj form of)

  24. (monikko) it|nativa

  25. (inflection of)